Ron Paul is coming to Target Center Tuesday

Published 11:01 pm Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-Tex.) candidacy for president through the Republican Party may be at an end, but he is still a thorn in the side of the Bush administration and the New World Order. He’s also a thorn in the side of Obama and McCain, as his renown “Rally for the Republic” grows. Rep. Paul’s Rally initially set at the University of Minnesota campus 11,000-seat Williams Arena was changed, to accommodate the increasingly enlarging crowd, to the Target Center in Minneapolis. The Target Center on Tuesday will be the official launching of the “Campaign for Liberty.” This will follow two full days of events. For an agenda see or phone (703) 347-6886.

Shunned out of the upcoming GOP convention because he refused to endorse Sen. John McCain, Ron Paul took matters into his own hands, and with the support of thousands of young people and other concerned Americans, has prepared for this “counter convention” timed to coincide with the Republican National Convention, Sept. 1-4 in St. Paul. Paul’s message differs from both parties’ forerunning candidates. Paul speaks for limited government, a noninterventionist foreign policy, sound U.S. currency, closing our southern border, the right to keep and bear arms, promotes U.S. sovereignty over the U.N., bringing business and industry back to America, and restoring our Constitution and the rule of law once again in this nation, among other such necessary steps — before it’s too late for America.

Target Center seats are filling fast. Advance tickets for the Sept. 2 event from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. can be purchased at the Target Center or from Ticket Master.

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Del Kusilek

Cannon Falls