Editorial: Get ready for the final stretch

Published 8:55 am Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Congratulations to the victors in Tuesday’s primary election. Some races were close. Some races were a blowout. Either way, one aspect of all the hubbub need not be lost: This is all about gaining the privilege of serving the public.

Candidates, the voters thank you for throwing your hats in the ring. Even if you lost, you engaged the public and furthered discourse on local issues. That alone is valuable.

And if you won, we ask you to wage a high-profile campaign between now and Election Day. Let people know who you are so they can make a better choice. It is clear from looking at the primary election and from nearly any local election that the candidates who campaign the hardest stand a greater chance of winning. It’s that simple.

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We also ask that you keep dirty politics out of your campaign and take the high road. Distractions get people buzzing, but they are a double-edged sword. They can persuade and dissuade. Stick to the issues and stay on your messages of why you should get votes the best you can. Talking about issues builds trust.

It’s the home stretch of Election 2008. Difficult decisions are at hand. Voters, remember that the elected officials who impact you the most are the local ones.