‘Biggest Loser’ candidates complete another challenge

Published 9:12 am Thursday, October 23, 2008

Competing contestants have made it through another physical challenge as well as a weigh-in. There are two challenges and three weigh-ins left. The Biggest Loser will then be announced along with one winning team, and there will be a celebration. This will be sponsored by Domino’s Pizza/Subs.

For the most recent physical challenge there was a timed obstacle course with a number of events to be completed before the finish line.

Kathy Johnson was the clear winner and completed the course in 2 minutes and 49 seconds. Second place was Sarah Stultz behind Johnson by 32 seconds and third place was Gina Wadding, who was 22 seconds behind Stultz.

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Last week’s weigh-in was won by Dick Madson for the second week in a row. He has lost 14.5 percent of his weight. Vaughn Ravlin (on the Avery Team) is in second place and boasting a 50-pound loss, and Mindy Christiansen is third place at an 8.6 percent weight loss.

Teamwise, the Avery Team is in the lead with a 7.8 percent weight loss. Second goes to Troy Boelman or the Lone Wolf Team, and Cargill is holding onto its third-place position.

A tip to all: Dick Madson came in early the Tuesday before the weigh-in and was worried because he had only lost 3 pounds in the 10 days prior. When asked what he was doing he said he was hardly eating anything except for a little salad and a fruit. He was told to go home and eat something and add some protein. He did as he was told and then lost almost 6 more pounds in the next couple days.

If you are dieting and you are hardly eating what your body needs, your body will store what it needs. So eat — and eat several times a day. Think of it as another log on the fire. Don’t let the furnace go out because then your body will store what you aren’t giving it.