Teach children to have nonviolent relationships

Published 9:02 am Friday, November 7, 2008

The Crime Victim’s Crisis Center/Domestic Abuse Program would like to thank the communities in Freeborn County for their support of our educational efforts during Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October.

We hope that after the month draws to a close, residents will have a better understanding of the negative impact domestic violence has on all of us.

One person at a time, making a conscious decision to end the use of violence and the abuse of power and control over others moves us toward a safer environment for all who live here. At the Candlelight Vigil on Oct. 16, we remembered the lives lost in Minnesota due to domestic violence, 22 women, 10 children, and three family members or friends were murdered (The Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women 2007 Femicide Report). From July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008, the Freeborn County Crime Victim’s Crisis Center has served more than 300 consumers with domestic violence related issues. Overall, Freeborn County is a safe place to live, work and raise a family, but there are reminders that some families are not safe in their own homes.

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Each member of our community has the opportunity to take action toward reducing domestic violence. Teach your children about healthy, nonviolent relationships, speak up to end the silence about violence and you can make a difference.

Ilene Grosam

Crime Victim Crisis Center/Domestic Abuse Program

Albert Lea