Editorial: Get the digital TV change done with

Published 9:10 am Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We urge U.S. Rep. Tim Walz, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, members of Congress and President Barack Obama to implement the changeover to digital television on Feb. 17 as planned. Do not pass a measure to delay the switch.

No matter how far this country puts off the switch, there will be people who are not ready for it.

Let’s go ahead and get it accomplished. If some people are without their aerial TV reception, what harm can come from that? It’s just television.

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Maybe they will go outside, take a walk and visit the parks. Maybe they will begin a project, such as piece together a puzzle or paint a room.

A Senate bill calls for postponing the switch to June 12. What TV viewer really wants to watch four more months of those annoying commercials, tickers and self-promoting TV news stories about the switch?

Enough already. It’s called the idiot box for good reason. Already too much fuss has been made over switch to digital television. Vote no.