Editorial: Join a service club

Published 8:15 am Tuesday, January 27, 2009

If in so many situations, it’s about who you know, then why aren’t more young adults involved in service clubs?

Our suggestion: If hard-working people wish to get ahead and make connections in this or any community, they should join a service club.

Yes, the work world is about what you know, but moreover, it’s about who knows you. Members of service clubs are community-minded. Going to the meetings and talking with members and listening to programs gives those people knowledge of the community. It gives them a rounder picture of their customer base and the role their companies play in the community. This is good for them as people and good for their companies as a whole.

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The service clubs are voluntary organizations where members serve charitable purposes. This reflects well on you, too, and is the main driver for most members of the clubs.

Some of the service organizations in Albert Lea are Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions, Sertoma, Jaycees, Exchange, Business Professional Women and Wa-tan-ye. Some organizations have multiple clubs, which means there should be a meeting time that is right for your schedule.

There are also fraternal organizations. They, too, serve the community and have close connections to the service organizations. Some in Albert Lea are Elks, Eagles, Masons and Moose.

Are you a young working adult? We recommend participation in any of the above-named groups. To join, all you have to do is ask around because many people in the community already are members.