HealthReach helps people regain function, deal with disability

Published 12:00 pm Sunday, March 8, 2009

For the past 20 years Albert Lea has been home to HealthReach, a center that serves the community as an outpatient physical medicine and rehabilitation facility.  

HealthReach is part of the Albert Lea Medical Center and consists of services in the areas of physical and occupational therapy, just for starters. 

Patients come to HealthReach for work and sports-related injuries, as well as back and hand care.

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HealthReach boasts a 52,000-square-foot facility, which houses comprehensive exercise equipment as well as a therapeutic pool and walking track.

Director Timothy Madson has been with HealthReach for almost 20 years. Madson is a physical therapist by trade and has been practicing for the past 26 years.

“HealthReach provides a wide range of therapeutic health programs,” Madson said. “We help people regain function after an accident illness or surgery as well as helping physically challenged individuals learn to deal with a disability.” 

HealthReach also provides programs for athletes to help them improve performance as well as for injured employees to help them return to work. 

“We have 40 full-time and part-time employees,” Madson said. “In addition to providing therapy at HealthReach, various staff provide services to the area schools as well as Parkview Care Center in Wells, Naeve Hospital and to home health and area group homes.” 

Staffers at HealthReach include: physical therapists and assistants, occupational therapists and assistants, speech and language pathologists, athletic trainers, exercise physiologist, therapy technicians as well as numerous support staff along with an registered nurse, who works with the HealthReach cardiac program.

Rehabilitation, management, care and prevention, whether it be cardiac, pulmonary, athletic, occupational or an injury prevention, management or care, HealthReach exists to help the needs of the patient.