Editorial: College grads face turmoil
Published 9:24 am Friday, April 3, 2009
What are we doing to our children?
College is less affordable than ever, they graduate straddled with more loan debt (and for some credit-card debt) than ever, and they enter the worst job market in years.
And being grads without jobs, they lack health coverage, too.
True, graduating from college and entering the real work world can be a shock for many. The world doesn’t come running to them.
But to force college grads into this severe of a situation cannot be good for long-term economy. Who is going to buy a starter home if they can barely afford to repay existing loans?
We don’t know the solution, but if America wants to return to prominence, bringing down the cost of tuition and increasing student aid will assist people in climbing the ladder of success. Access to college is the primary mechanism by which children become more successful than their parents.
And a rising middle class is good for the economy.