Nice to know: Senior Center fundraiser a success
Published 2:38 pm Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wow! What a wonderful response to the first Albert Lea Senior Citizens soup and dessert fundraiser held on April 28. It was overwhelming to us to have such a great turnout.
We would just like to say thank you to some of our businesses who so generously donated food, etc. to make our event a success. They are KATE Radio, Ventura Foods, Hy-Vee, Nelson’s Market Place, Lund/Byerlys, Ed Hubbard, Thrivent Financial, Conger Catering and St. John’s Lutheran Home. Thanks also to the Albert Lea Tribune for the articles on the Senior Center. We certainly can’t forget all of the people who donated desserts, rummage sale items, silent auction items, and the baked goods for the bake sale. It is because of people like you that keeps our group going.
For those of you that are not members of the Senior Center, please come join and enjoy many hours of fun filled activities with us.
Eunice Hatleli
for the board members of the Albert Lea
Senior Center