Notes from VFW Auxiliary

Published 9:40 am Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Ladies Auxiliary to Freemond Madson VFW Post 447 met May 11 at the American Legion Hall with Betty Jones presiding.

After the business meeting, a memorial service was conducted for eight auxiliary sisters who passed away since May 2008. The charter was draped in memory of Jeanne Ulve.

The installation of the auxiliary officers was conducted by past president, Marcia Petersen. New president, Eunice Hatleli, will preside after July 1.

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Jones reported on the First District annual meeting. Shirley Pichner of Owatonna will be the new district president.

The annual Memorial Day ceremonies are being organized by the VFW under the command of Jim Doty. At 7 a.m., the Lakewood, St. Theodore and Hillcrest cemeteries will hold memorial ceremonies. The auxiliary will assist. There will be rolls and coffee for participants at the Legion Club before the 9 a.m. flag-raising and fly-over at Fountain Lake Park. At 10 a.m., a parade will march to Graceland Cemetery for the official memorial service with John Rhiger, Freeborn County veteran service officer, as speaker.

Lunch was served by Beverly Boone and Doris Madson. The door prize was won by Clara Satre. The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 8.