Demonstration was teachable moment

Published 8:38 am Friday, July 31, 2009

Centro Campesino likely understands that justice is a very difficult struggle. Their vigil attended by about 30 or so people in Albert Lea this past Friday demonstrated great courage plus a commendable teaching moment. I am looking forward to participating in whatever way I can with their September event. An event seeking justice from Congress through long overdue immigration reform.

The Tribune characterized the vigil as a shouting match between three groups. As a witness attending the vigil, I did not see it that way. What I saw was a couple of self-proclaimed Nazis seemingly leading about 10 or so Freeborn County residents shouting out slogans and words like “you are peasants — we want the intellectuals,” “go home,” chanting “USA USA USA,” blowing whistles while the vigil gathered in prayer, and there was more I won’t put in print.

I would like to especially commend the young — I believe Hispanic — men and women attending the vigil, who under these taunts from Nazis and others did not for the most part lose their composure. I have to admit that I inappropriately shouted back at the two self-proclaimed Nazis that they were a joke. I apologize to Centro Campesino.

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Ted Hinnenkamp

Albert Lea