End-of-year AWANA awards presented

Published 8:44 am Friday, July 10, 2009

AWANA awards were given out to students at the banquet ceremony April 26 at Calvary Baptist Church.

Students receiving awards in their groups were:


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First book award, receive Cubby bear: Blake Braun, Jaliyah Douglas, Emma Gepson, Kayla Johnson, Archer Kiefer, Nathaniel Nelson, Natonia Raatz, Porter Thostenson, Elisa Tippery and Olivia Wegner. Second book award: Elise Anderson, Aaliyah Camerer, Grace Dawson, Franklin Graham, Esther Hernandez, Ellie Sheldahl, Izabelle Thostenson, Isabelle Wegner.


First book award: Alexis Brever, McKenzie Burton, Shawn Gullickson, Lydia Hernandez, Kenny Kiefer, Faith Miller, Ethan Nelson, Abby Renchin, Matt Santee, Nathan Sheldahl, Lorayna Telles, Kattia Thofson, Lauren Thunstedt, Zachariah Weller. Second book award: Jaden Douglas, Caleb Miller, Angela Riekens. Third book award: Parker Andersen, Drake Dawson, Emery Graham.

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First book award: Cameron Nelson, Ben Sheldahl. Second book award: Carissa Nelson. Third book award: Darian Graham, Mesa Jo Krause, Donte Love. Fourth book award: Mesa Jo Krause.


Compass certificate: Beth Graham, Bricelyn Nelson. Isaac Smith. Milestone award: Isaac Smith.

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One-year pin: Bonnie Gullickson, Zachary Smith. Four-year pin: Caleb Smith. Citation award: Caleb Smith.

Service pins and certificates were given to the leaders by AWANA Commander Vicki Williams. Leaders and listeners and their years of service are:

One year: Fred Renchin, Carrie Gilbertson, Kasey Knutson, the Rev. Bob Weniger, Christopher Weniger, Daniela Weniger and Maddie Weniger.

Two years: Matthew Carlson, Maureen Gilbertson, Chad Lenze, the Rev. Mark Miller.

Three years: Juli Pagel, Sadie Burnett.

Four years: Janet Himmerich, Megan Knutson, Sierra Krause, Stefan Oftedahl, Rosie Simon.

Five years: Layle Fischer, Bruce Himmerich, Hayley Knutson, Dakota Krause, Roger Lonning, Liz Thunstedt and Claudia Wallace.

Six years: Kendall Christensen; Angie Thompson

Seven years: Barb Krause.

Eight years: Cheryl Carlson

Nine years: Amy Andersen.

Ten years: Amber Smith

Eleven years: Robert Anderson, Delores Karsjens, Janet Poeschl and Kay Werner.

Thirteen years: Darlene Alberts, Kris Burnett, Kim Knutson, David Thunstedt, Richard Thunstedt.

Seventeen years: Marly Evenson and Darlene Reed.

Twenty years: Bette Jensen and Vicki Williams, AWANA commander.

Twenty-one years: Dave Rambo.

Twenty-two years: Annette Hanson, Doug Jensen.

Twenty-five years: Jonathan Dagner.

Twenty-eight years: Pat Rambo.

Twenty-nine years: Deanne Huisman.

Thirty-one Years: Elaine Garr and Rex Garr.

AWANA is the acronym of the words Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. These words are derived from verse 15 in 2 Timothy 2: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” Children learn many verses and their meaning. Leaders and listeners guide the children through handbooks and hear the children recite the verses they are required to memorize.

This year the AWANA program ended with its awards banquet ceremony. It will resume in the fall with a barbecue registration kickoff on Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 6 p.m. The first club night will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 16. Thereafter, for the 2009-10 year it will be held each Wednesday beginning at 6:30 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m.

Each year AWANA is represented at the Freeborn County Fair in the Calvary Baptist Church booth under the grandstand. As in the past, there will be a drawing for a bike giveaway.

If you would like to know more about this Christian non-denominational Bible program for children, stop by the fair booth Aug. 3-9 or call the church office at 373-4306.