Editorial: Get ready for school to begin

Published 7:44 am Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It is mid-August and the start of school is right around the corner of Labor Day.

Be prepared to watch for children walking to school. Buses are going to be out and about, but considering the AARP/Blue Zones Vitality Project’s push to get children walking, motorists will need to be looking out for walking children in greater numbers than in past years. And they likely will be walking in groups. They will be what’s called “walking school buses.”

Volunteers also are sought near the start of the school year. Here are a few opportunities:

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People are needed at Albert Lea schools on Sept. 2 and 3 and Alden School on Sept. 1, 2 and 3 to ensure that families get a copy of the out-of-school activity guide. Sit near the door and hand them out to parents who come by for before-school interviews. Various shifts are available. Call Beth Spande at 377-7433 to get on the list.

Spande also can assist in placing volunteers who wish to be reading partners. Children will need adults to help them develop reading skills. Give an hour or two a week to help children gain skills and confidence as readers. Training is provided.

Carolyn Smith of Community Mentor Connection seeks volunteers who will be mentors for children, including teens. A recent grant from the Kenneth W. Olson Fund means more volunteers are needed. Mentors are willing to spend time with youths regularly. Mentors and mentees are free to plan their own mutual interests. There are group activities, too.

Smith can be reached at 877-232-8399 or starsforkids@yahoo.com .