What Jesus would not do on health care …

Published 7:37 am Monday, September 14, 2009

I’m writing to respond to Mr. Al Helgerson’s letter of Sept. 11. He really doesn’t have me pegged at all. I am totally in favor of reforming our health care system, so that it is fair, and I have no love for big insurance companies. 

With that said, if someone disagrees with President Obama’s government-run health care plan like the majority of Americans do, then they are, as you stated, a “right-wing religious zealot participating with rage by writing letters about healthcare forums.” People with many different views, religious or not, are opposed to this plan and that does not make them mean-spirited fanatics. Maybe they just love and care about their country and don’t want to see it bankrupted by an irresponsible government-run program that the president can’t even coherently or honestly explain to us.         

I’m not sure what Jesus would do about our health care debate, but I am reasonably sure that he would not endorse the expansion of killing the unborn as part of “essential health care.” In fact, a statement was released today by Congressman Bart Stupak, a Democrat from Michigan, in which he reiterated, “Unless health care legislation excludes abortion funding, my colleagues and I will do whatever it takes to block the bill.”  

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So you see Mr. Helgerson, the problems with this bill are many and just ramming it through because the president says so is not the American way and the majority of the folks are proving this. 

Scott Bute
