Methodists and Lutherans meet for joint thanksgiving service

Published 8:43 am Friday, November 20, 2009

Four churches from Albert Lea will join for a united service of thanksgiving at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the United Methodist Church of Albert Lea. United Methodist Church and Ascension Lutheran, Salem Lutheran, and Trinity Lutheran will meet for worship and holy communion and a potluck supper following the service.

In May of 2008, the United Methodist Church voted to recognize full communion and fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. This past August, the ELCA voted to recognize full communion and fellowship with the United Methodist Church.

Ascension Lutheran Church and United Methodist Church of Albert Lea have shared in a service of thanksgiving for the past 38 years. More recently, Salem Lutheran and Trinity Lutheran have shared a traditional service also. This year, all four churches will combine for a festival service of thanksgiving.

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Bishop Sally Dyck of the United Methodist Church will be sending greetings to the congregation gathered to “begin a new ministry with each other to our communities in the name of Jesus.”

Bishop Harold Usgaard from the ELCA will be in attendance and will be giving the message at the service.

Choirs from all churches will be joining to bring the message of thanksgiving in word and music. The Tower Ringers and a brass quartet will also be accompanying the choir and the congregation.

Following the service, all in attendance are invited to share in a potluck meal in the social hall.