An icy I-35 causes rollovers, spin-outs
Published 8:58 pm Sunday, December 27, 2009
Many automobiles on Interstate 35 between Albert Lea and Iowa border went into the ditches Sunday night as a result of unexpected icy road conditions.
A quick drive down the stretch at the 8 o’clock hour revealed two rollovers and several spin-outs. State troopers were on the scene of one of the rollovers, near the Round Prairie Lutheran Church, and Glenville ambulance workers were prepared to help the injured. Though it was unclear that anyone was injured, an ambulance leaving the area didn’t go to Albert Lea, where the nearest hospital is located. And reports from the Minnesota State Patrol didn’t indicate any injuries in the area.
At about 8:55 p.m. the Minnesota Department of Transportation on its Web site updated its status of road conditions in the Albert Lea area. It was from normal conditions to difficult driving. It said I-35 has icy patches and blowing snow.
Roads during the day on Sunday were in fair condition, but blowing wind and a dropping thermometer in the evening created conditions for an icy surface. Some drivers Sunday night were driving as though I-35 was not icy, which is why many of the cars were in the ditches.
There was an injury on Interstate 90 last night near the Rushmore exit in Nobles County. A Toyota entered the ditch and rolled over. Forty-two-year-old Mario Alvarado of Worthington was treated and released.