Film examines issue of illegal immigration

Published 6:04 pm Saturday, March 6, 2010

There have been many letters to the editor regarding the issue of illegal immigration and immigration reform over the past several months. These topics are complex, and while many of us discuss these issues from somewhat distant points of view, it’s sometimes easy to overlook the relationships and connections that these immigrants have established here in our communities.

The next film in the Paths to Peace Film Series is a story that focuses on those relationships and connections. “The Visitor,” (released in 2007 and rated PG-13) will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday at Riverland Community College’s Lecture Hall on the Albert Lea Campus.

The film focuses on an aging economics professor who meets and befriends two young immigrants who were the victims of an apartment rental scam in New York City. After the three have become friends, the immigration status of one becomes problematic, and the others are left to deal with his absence.

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Richard Jenkins stars in his Academy Award nominated role. “The Visitor” has a well-crafted story, wonderful acting, and thought-provoking themes.

Admission is free, and a discussion of the film will follow the showing.

I encourage anyone with an interest in immigration issues or anyone who just loves a good film to attend this free event. Thanks.

Jeremy Corey-Gruenes

Albert Lea