Registration under way at Southwest Middle School
Published 10:00 am Friday, April 2, 2010
The 2009-10 school year is going quickly, which means the registration process for school year 2010-11 is under way. Lynn Keenan, Southwest counselor, has been busy registering students for seventh grade. She has scheduled meetings with the district’s sixth-grade teachers to get recommendations for math and English placements. Keenan will also talk with this year’s sixth-graders and answer questions about Southwest Middle School. In May, the present sixth-graders from Halverson, Hawthorne, Lakeview, Sibley and St. Theodore will visit Southwest for a tour and receive a presentation from Southwest Principal Marsha Langseth.
This year’s seventh-graders will receive information regarding registration for eighth grade from Southwest Counselor Jim Munyer. Munyer is the counselor for the seventh-graders and he is in contact with the Southwest faculty as to math and English/reading placement for 2010-11. These placements also involve using the MAP scores for English and math as well as the Orleans-Hanna Math Prognosis test for algebra. The entire registration process is on target to be completed by April 15.
If your son or daughter is at Southwest or will be attending Southwest and you have questions relating to registration, contact Lynn Keenan at 379-5250 or Jim Munyer at 379-5249.