United Methodist Women
Published 9:10 am Saturday, April 17, 2010
The April United Methodist Women’s meeting was opened with Adean Turner from Just Three circle introducing United Preschool teachers Audra Beussman and Jennie Holt. They presented two classes of children who sang and did actions to a song. The instructors spoke on expectations for preschoolers before kindergarten along with ideas and new equipment in the classroom to improve skills in “Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.”
Vice President Marty Beckmann opened the business meeting. Ruth Vermedahl, treasurer, reported that $313 had been collected for the prayer and self denial offering.
Turner shared an article based on “The Beatitudes” titled “Happy Habits” with five important habits to share. Judy Kary announced that Minnesota, North and South Dakota will share a bishop starting in September 2012. It was reported that through UMCOR $12 million had been given to Haiti relief and 250,000 health kits. Marcelle Ernston announced for outreach that she would coordinate the bingo at Good Samaritan on April 14.
Church Women United representative May Friendship Day is at First Lutheran on May 7 with a board meeting on April 9. Dorothy Balder encouraged all to join the reading program. Rose Hood had sent 10 cards.
There will be a Southern Prairie District spring gathering at Windom April 23 or Waseca on April 24. Paper products and cleaning supplies for Emma Norton Services will be collected at these meetings.
The May meeting will start at 10 a.m. with a noon luncheon following.
Brunch was served by Martha Circle.