Why they ride their bikes …

Published 8:38 am Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Bike-A-Thon supporting the American Cancer Society was on May 1. First, I would just like to say a few thank yous. For all the people who helped, whether it was directing traffic, picking people up, providing food at the stops, and the people that helped organize the whole event, thank you. Without these people, the event would not be able to happen.

Then there are all the people who rode. Not many people finished the full 100 miles, but every bit counted, and it is hard work. Lastly, I would like to thank everybody who sponsored or donated to the event. Cancer is a serious thing, and they need all the help they can get.

I have been riding for about 12 years now, being a senior in high school, and it all started because of my grandma, after whom I am named, died from cancer before I was even born. My whole family is involved in the event, and if they cannot ride they are out directing traffic.

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It wasn’t until this year when I was pushing myself through the wind, and my muscles were sore, that I realized why so many people ride. I bet if you ask anybody if they know somebody that has had cancer, most would say “yes.” So many people are affected by cancer every year, not even if they have it themselves but know a person that has it. It gives me joy knowing that I can help out those people even if it is not directly.

It breaks my heart, yet makes me so happy, seeing those people that are out there with a shirt that says “in memory of.” They lost somebody and it was out of their control, but they still go out there and help out for other people that have to go through the same situation. Even though the weather has not been good the past few years, and the number of people that are participating is down, the same amount of money is being raised!

So with all that being said, I hope that when this event rolls around next year there are more people coming out to support this wonderful cause.

Rachel Friedman

Albert Lea