Conger 4-H
Published 9:05 am Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Conger 4-H Club met on June 13 for the club tour. The Morrison, Kuethe, Steele, Neel, and Stevens families allowed the club to stop at their farms for the tour.
The club is planning on having a general livestock judging practice on June 26. The club will organize the food stand at the swine show at the Fairgrounds on July 11. On July 17, members will be working on the booth and banner for the fair. The club is scheduled to help set up the 4-H Exhibit Building on July 26 starting at 4 p.m. Livestock interviews for the fair will be on July 28. Herdsmanship contracts, stalling, junior superintendent and pre-entry forms are all due back to the Extension Office soon. The club decided to do the recycling project again this year at the fair. Members voted to have the next meeting on July 11 at the Wells pool.
After the meeting, members held a potluck supper.
— Brady Neel
Conger 4-H reporter