Editorial: ‘An authority and finality’
Published 9:20 am Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Enjoyable as always, quotations about the First Amendment and journalism:
“No more danger will result from one discussion, than arises from the other. Give unto all opinions the same freedom and the same effects will follow.” — John Thomson, author, 1801
“The Press is the living Jury of the Nation.” — James Gordon Bennett, newspaper publisher, 1830
“As long as I am an American citizen and as long as American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write, and to publish whatever I please on any subject.” — Elijah P. Lovejoy, slain abolitionist publisher, 1837
“As more people who are information providers think of themselves as competing for eyeballs rather than competing for a good story, then journalism’s backwards.” — Douglas Rushkoff, author, 2008
“So often as journalists we are reporting from the outside looking in. Some of our grander moments have been when we have reported from the inside looking out.” — Byron Pitts, CBS News correspondent, 2008
“Everybody favors free speech in the slack moments when no axes are being ground.” — Heywood Broun, columnist, author, 1926
“I think there is an authority and finality, a sort of last word that comes from the printed edition of the newspaper.” — Steve Hills, president, general manager, Washington Post Media, 2008
“I continue to believe that it’s important for people to participate as informed voters, and there is a moral obligation to share what we know about the people that are running for office.” — Anne Kilkenny, housewife, 2008
— Quotes from First Amendment Calendar, produced by the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center, 2009