Why give the keys back to the GOP?
Published 9:50 am Thursday, September 16, 2010
This letter is in response to three recent letters to the editor from Mr. John Forman, Mr. Scott Bute and Mr. Al Arends. I expect they are all in lockstep with the right-wing Republican Party agenda on most issues. I am quite sure all three are products of Koch brothers’ propaganda and Rupert Murdoch/Fox News marketing and therefore subscribe to echo chamber writings. Their attack on U.S. Rep. Tim Walz belies an implied claim that their right wing side is totally innocent in the creation of America’s debt. I’ll wager a bet that all three voted for George Bush not just once but twice.
It was George Bush whose agenda allowed Wall Street to wreck our economy, followed by his decision to intitiate the bailout of Wall Street. It was George Bush who lied to all of us stating he had the evidence that Saddam Hussein was harboring nuclear weapons, plus lying that Saddam Hussein plotted and initiated the attacks on 9/11. The sole evidence George Bush preferred to invade Iraq was the statement of a clinically mentally ill man nicknamed “curveball.” So let’s place the major portion of our collective American debt at the feet of the Republican Party, which distinction it has clearly earned.
Our respect and thank you goes to U.S. Rep. Tim Walz and President Barak Obama for saving the country from another Great Depression. Why would any sane person give the Republican Party of 2010 the keys back to our economy and military?
Ted Hinnenkamp
Albert Lea