America has the best medical care in world
Published 9:25 am Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Were you aware that you could go to prison for destroying an eagle egg, but under Obama care you will pay for abortions? There is something very wrong when a society puts more value on a bird than a human life. I am not a hard-core anti-abortionist, but I should not have to pay for someone’s abortion.
As information on the health care law becomes available, it is obvious that this law exemplifies everything that is wrong with government-controlled health care. There is a new Medicare tax on all individuals earning more than $200,000 a year. This is in addition to the tax increase on those individuals by the roll back of the Bush tax cuts. You may feel this does not impact you since you make less than $200,000 per year. However, another provision within this law establishes a 3.8 percent tax on the wealthy for unearned income, including the sale of a home. You may become rich temporarily. There is also a move in the liberal camp to repeal the provision in the tax code that exempts you from taxes when you sell your home, and capital gains taxes will be going from 15 percent to 20 percent. You could be paying 20 percent tax on gains in value on your home and additional 3.8 percent for Medicare.
All medical devices will be taxed, artificial hips, knees, supplies for monitoring diabetes, wheelchairs, crutches and walkers — in fact anything that the can be declared a medical device or supply.
Medicare will be cut $529 billion. This can only be accomplished by rationing. You may have to wait months or years to get a hip replacement. The same applies for bypass surgery. When you reach a certain age you may not be eligible for life extending procedures. Certain high cost procedures may no longer be approved. Including certain aggressive chemo-therapies and organ transplants.
Another provision states that Medicare and Medicaid will not pay for a second hospital stay if you are re-admitted within 30 days for a reoccurrence or complication of your first hospital stay. Say you had a hip replacement, were sent home and two weeks later developed and infection or blood clot that required you to be re-admitted, neither Medicare or Medicaid will pay for the second hospital stay.
The IRS will be employing 16,000 new agents to enforce the tax portions of this law.
One hundred fifty-nine boards, commissions and agencies will be formed to oversee this law, vastly inflating the size and cost of government.
America has the best medical care in the world. This law will lower quality and availability of care, raise costs and still leave 20-plus million uninsured.
Yes, there are some good provisions in this law, but there are many items I have not covered that will inflate costs.
I don’t believe that this law will be repealed, but if we elect enough conservatives to Congress, it can be enhanced, to better meet the needs of the country.
Remember Tim Walz voted for this bill.
Don Sorensen
Albert Lea