Editorial: Swanson is the right pick for AG

Published 8:58 am Friday, October 15, 2010

Voters should feel safe on Nov. 2 in keeping Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson in office.

She is working for the ordinary citizens of this state. She pursues cases to protect consumers and senior citizens, rather than making her office a political distraction.

Swanson takes on cases that effect people’s everyday lives, opposing large power-rate hikes, fighting debt-negotation companies that make promises and fail to deliver, and taking on living-trust mills that seek to fool elderly citizens.

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In fact, the publication Lawyers USA named her one of the top 10 lawyers for America because her office filed a successful lawsuit against a company running a rigged credit-card arbitration system.

In her four years as attorney general, her office has fought life insurance companies and won, resulting in refunds to seniors. The case was featured on the NBC show “Dateline” in 2008. The National Consumer Law Center gave Swanson an award called Champion of Justice for her consumer protection work on behalf of senior citizens.

This is the tip of the iceberg.

Swanson has fought adoption agencies that tricked prospective parents, fought clinics that peddle fraudulent health care, cracked down on predatory lenders, took on unfair practices by cell phone companies with undisclosed early termination penalties and has taken action against sham charities and scammers.

Her office has worked with the state Legislature to pass new laws, too. One is that it is now a felony for an adult to send sexually explicit communications to a minor in an attempt to solicit sex.

There are new laws to protect vulnerable adults from financial exploitation, increased penalties for domestic abusers violating restraining orders and a new law addressing cyberbullying in schools — among other common-sense laws.

We endorse Swanson for attorney general of Minnesota, and we are grateful for the work she has done.