Please give your vote to U.S. Rep. Walz

Published 9:34 am Friday, October 29, 2010

U.S. Rep. Tim Walz deserves your vote on Tuesday. Rep. Walz is a rare species in our current legislative environment: a moderate, independent legislator. He represents the people of his district and not the loud voices on either end of the political spectrum.

Rep. Walz, a Democrat, has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association and has shown a willingness to work with people from both sides of the aisle. Also, he is not afraid to vote against his own party when he believes his own party is wrong. He voted against both the bank bailout and the auto industry bailout because he believed they “were a bad deal for Main Street” and “lacked taxpayer protection.” He has been endorsed by former Gov. Arne Carlson and former Sen. David Durenburger (both Republicans).

Rep. Walz served our country for 24 years as a member of the Army National Guard and retired as a command sergeant major in 2005. Having served our nation overseas in the military he brings an important firsthand perspective to his service on the Veterans Affairs Committee.

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Rep. Walz grew up in a rural community and worked on a farm as a youth. He understands the issues faced by today’s farmers and he knows how important agriculture is to our area. Elected in 2006, he made it a point to get on the House Agriculture Committee immediately.

As a former teacher who earned 2003 Mankato Teacher of the Year and a 2003 Minnesota Teacher of Excellence, Rep. Walz also has a keen understanding of education issues.

If you want a hard-working, thoughtful, independent legislator working for you in the U.S. Congress, please vote for Tim Walz on Nov. 2.

Mac Ehrhardt

Albert Lea