United Methodist Women
Published 9:07 am Saturday, October 16, 2010
Eileen Nelson Ness opened the Oct. 1 meeting of the United Methodist Women with a piano selection.
Sharon Nelson from Martha circle introduced Renae Meaney, nurse coordinator of Crossroads Community Hospice at the Albert Lea Medical Center, as the guest speaker.
Marty Beckman opened the business meeting with prayer and led the group in the purpose of the organization. Fern Urbatsch read the minutes of the previous meeting, took roll call and read the correspondence. Treasurer Ruth Vermedahl gave her report which was placed on file.
Adean Turner read an article titled “Linked Together” about spiritual growth, and Lou Denzene presented on social action by encouraging all to be knowledgeable about candidates and to vote in the upcoming election. Marcelle Ernston asked for helpers to work at bingo at the Good Samaritan Society on Oct. 20 and for help and food at St. John’s on Oct. 31. A reminder by Shirley Peterson that Church Women United will meet at UMC on Nov. 5 for World Community Day. The nominating committee and furnishings committee members are at work.
There was a special reminder of the annual Pipe Screams Concert on Sunday, Oct. 24, at 3:30 p.m. preceded by popcorn and apple cider at 3 p.m. The public is invited. There was a polka worship service on Oct. 10 at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. A light lunch was served following with an offering.
Norieta Rippentrop gave information and details on the UMW Chicken on Biscuit supper open to the public on Tuesday, Oct. 26, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The “Gently Used Christmas Article” sale will be Nov. 13 with things to be brought the two days previous according to Ruth Vermedahl.
The next meeting will be “World Thank Offering” on Nov. 3 at 9:30 a.m.
The meeting adjourned with singing “The Song of Hope” accompanied by Eileen Ness.
Preceding the meeting, Lou Denzene led in prayers as Mary Grace circle provided refreshments.