Domestic Engineers
Published 9:20 am Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Domestic Engineers home study group met on Jan. 11 in the home of Darla Christianson.
Sharon Jahnke called the meeting to order. The group read the homemaker’s creed together.
Phyllys Hamborg, secretary, took roll call and read the minutes of the December meeting. Judy Myers gave the treasurer’s report. Both were approved.
Sunshine person, Carol Olson, reported she had sent a congratulations card to Jahnke for her new grandchild and a gift to Sally Benson after surgery. Jahnke reminded the group to fill out the nature calendars.
Bev Diercks reported 61 pounds of food had been collected at the “Holiday Happening” Christmas party for the Salvation Army.
The Spring Fling will be held in Kasson on April 21. The presentations will be Cooking for Two, Cooking with Herbs and Healthy Aging.
Spring Cluster event will be April 26 at America’s Best Value Inn. Program will be “Australia.” Freeborn County is responsible for reservations, programs and greeters.
Gen Montei will host the February meeting, and she will also take Valentine’s Day treats to Broadway Board and Careplus.
Jahnke read the poem “January.”
Perky Smith made a motion to adjourn, and Neva Matheson seconded it.
The group then played Dirty Bingo. The gifts were all baby food which were given to Jahnke for her grandchild. The group also held a shower for her.
Lunch was served by hostess, Christianson.