Grace Lutheran WELCA
Published 9:00 am Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Grace Lutheran Church WELCA met on Jan. 6. The began the meeting with a devotion led by Paula Buendorf. The group went through the agenda, had a “whip share” where members named a bold person in their lives who has inspired their faith and ended the meeting by saying the Lord’s Prayer.
The 2011 WELCA calendar was finalized. Thank you notes were read from Good Earth Village and the Rev. Todd Walsh.
Secretary’s report of November’s minutes were read and approved. The treasurer reported that donations totaling $1,000 were given to nine organizations in December.
The Caring and Sharing committee reported that all co-chairs are signed up, and there were five funerals in December. The Stewardship committee reported the Angel Tree was successful in December, and many items were donated to the Salvation Army. Stamps were given to Lakeview Elementary School for its art program. This committee is looking for more members.
The Quilting committee reported 10 people were present at its Christmas party. Nine quilts were made in December. The Education and Historian committee reported there are 13 new women members at Grace Lutheran. New church members should talk with Nancy Brandt or Paula Buendorf if they are interested in being on committees.
The dishwasher at the church has racks that aren’t up to code and will need to be replaced. The boiler on the unit is also not working.
The second annual women’s retreat date is set for April 9. Five members are registered to attend the WELCA Triennial Convention in July. The event will be held in Spokane, Wash.
The Salad Luncheon committee is looking for one member to help with the annual event. Other members will help those interested learn the duties.
There is a possibility of making a cookbook to go along with the Salad Luncheon. About four or five women would be needed. Category suggestions were discussed.
Upcoming events
Feb 10: Monthly WELCA meeting at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Room.
Feb. 20: Installation of WELCA board and committee members at the 8:30 a.m. service.
Monthly WELCA meetings are open to all women of the church. The group provides support to the church and to each other.