Project Pink equipment is here

Published 9:15 am Thursday, January 27, 2011

Albert Lea Medical Center Radiology staff stand with the new equipment. Pictured from left: Carla Knutson, Cortnie Hanna, Carolee George, Janelle Turbett and Jamie Sorenson, all radiologic technologists and certified mammography technologists. -- Submitted photo

In 2010, Naeve Health Care Foundation, Naeve Hospital Auxiliary and Albert Lea Medical Center challenged the community to match the foundation’s gift to purchase new state-of-the-art full-field digital mammography equipment for the medical center, through “Project Pink.”

Through separate donations and events and attending September’s Project Pink gala, the community raised more than $117,000 allowing the new equipment to become a reality. And donations continue to come in.

The state-of-the-art full-field digital mammography equipment was installed in December 2010. To schedule an appointment for a mammogram, call 377-6349.

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