Salem Women’s Executive Board
Published 9:42 am Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Albert Lea Salem Lutheran Church Women’s Executive Board met at 3:30 p.m. Jan. 4. All circles were represented. President Deb Beighley presided at the meeting. Valta Hestness gave the opening devotion entitled “Happy New Year.”
The secretary’s report was read by Pauline Hall and the treasurer’s report was presented by Sharon Dilling. Both reports were approved as read.
An annual letter written by past WELCA President Judy Dilling will be mailed out to all women of Salem, reviewing ways everyone can help/support/finance programs to run smoothly in 2011, explaining how each person can make a difference.
There are three members from Salem who will be attending the Triennial Convention in Spokane, Wash.: Caroline Neale, Annette Peterson and Diane Vandersyde. The quilt for the fundraiser raffle has been completed and members will begin selling tickets in April. Salem will be hosting the Church Women United Scholarship Luncheon in May, assisted by United Methodist. Salem Circle will provide desserts and serve the St. John’s Lutheran Home coffee hour on Feb. 13. Program Chairwoman Marianne DePoppe informed everyone of the Epiphany Tea that was scheduled for 10 a.m. Jan. 8. The program featured Charlene and Otto Becker, who recently traveled to the Holy Land. Mary Magdalene Circle served this event. The yearbook was reviewed for changes and duties for the coming month were addressed.
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.