Wa-tan-ye Club

Published 9:30 am Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Wa-tan-ye club met on Feb. 7. The group enjoyed listening to their guest speaker who told them about the women’s suffrage to win the right to vote. After hearing of the fights and the years spent to win the right, the women in the group can really appreciate the right to vote.

President Dorothy Wedge called the meeting to order. She read a short article, “Be the best whatever you are.” Roll call was taken with three members absent. The minutes were read and the treasurer’s report was given by Alice Peterson serving multiple positions as secretary and treasurer for the day.

A discussion was held about the cost of dishcloths going up. On March 12 the group will sell dishcloths at Northbridge Plaza in honor of Wa-tan-ye week.

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The spring district meeting will be held on April 16 instead of April 2. It will be in Gamer, Iowa.

Genevieve Schneider is celebrating an anniversary of 33 years as a member.

The group collected $37 for the food shelf.

The meeting was adjourned. Hostess for the meeting was Schneider.