Domestic Engineers

Published 9:30 am Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Domestic Engineers met on March 8 in the home of Jean McCarthy. In the absense of the president and vice president, Phyllis Hamborg conducted the meeting. Roll call was taken and the homemakers creed was read.

The lesson, “Making Food Good” was given by Jean McCarthy. Subjects were: food politics, obesity and “It’s a matter of taste.” She also explained the sodium content in various foods.

Secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were given and approved.

Email newsletter signup

Sunshine Lady Carol Olson and Neva Matheson volunteered to be greeters and Gen Montei and Sally Benson volunteered to register guests. Benson reported on plans made for it.

The annual scholarship luncheon will be held on July 19.

Group members should register for the South East Learning Circle event to be held in Kasson on April 12. Registration must be made by April 5. Lessons will be, “Healthy Aging,” “Cooking with Herbs” and “Vivacious Vegetables.”

Hamborg gave the humerous reading, “I have the disease.” Lunch was served by McCarthy, hostess.