Editorial: Thumbs
Published 12:10 pm Saturday, March 19, 2011
Editorial: Thumbs
To the Farm Family of the Year.
You might not see young farmers much anymore, but they are around. And it is good that the Dan and Jenny Erickson family is among them. They provide a good example of how young people can continue farming just like their parents. Congratulations on receiving the honor, and kudos to the Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce’s ag committee for organizing the annual Ag Luncheon.
In the general election in 2008, Linda Tuttle defeated Mike Lee on a vote of 1,752 to 1,548, to win the 5th Commissioner District seat. In the special general election Tuesday, Lee defeated Tony Pestorious on a vote of 355 to 259. The voters were from the same district, but a lot fewer voted. It’s hard to say why the turnout was so much lower, but probably it is because people tend to show up to the polls when there is a high-profile race — such as president, governor or senator — that gets them fired up. Then they just continue filling out the other ovals on the ballot. We would go so far as to suggest some people might forget which commissioner district they live in, which also lowers the turnout.
Looking at the police reports from the evening of St. Patrick’s Day for Albert Lea Police Department and Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office, there was only one arrest for drunken driving. Many people went out to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on Thursday with a few alcoholic beverages, but it seems many people either had a designated driver or called a taxi or limited their own consumption levels to one or two. All in all, that’s a good sign of people acting responsibly, which is absolutely the goal of drinking-and-driving laws.
Geese have been spotted in Albert Lea again. They always are a sign of spring. Ducks surely will be here soon. And we all know spring has sprung when there is a craft show at Northbridge Mall, which took place Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.