Progress 2011: Dynamic Duo

Published 9:00 am Thursday, March 17, 2011

As lunch volunteers, Spielman and Emery help get the dining room at Senior Tower ready each Monday through Friday for Semcac meals to be served. Their duties include filling coffeepots, serving milk and taking filled plates to seniors attending the lunches.

Sometimes the duo may also help check people in and take tickets or money at the door. They start at about 10:30 each morning and help clean up after lunch, so they are done around 12:30 each afternoon.

In addition to enjoying healthy and hearty meals with good friends, they enjoy socializing as much as volunteering.

Evie Spielman and Dee Emery volunteer each Monday through Friday, helping serve lunches at Albert Lea Senior Tower. -- Photo by Michelle Haacke/Cutout by Stacey Bahr

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The two also try to visit nursing homes around town at least once a month.

“I can’t stress enough how much rest home people enjoy visitors,” Emery said. “Some of them have children out of town and may only get visitors once a month.”

Spielman and Emery are both members of the Semcac Senior Dining Council at Albert Lea Senior Tower, as well, which hosts several special parties over the course of the year. Keeping the spirit festive is just a perk of the job, and they enjoy decorating the dining room for these seasonal events.

While volunteering no doubt keeps these lunch ladies young at heart, it’s a passion they hope is contagious.

“We can always use volunteers to help set up and serve,” said Emery. “Volunteering is so important. Please join us.”

Hero: Dee Emery
Secret identity: volunteer for Semcac Senior Dining
Base of operations: Albert Lea Senior Tower, Albert Lea
Superpowers: setting up for special parties at Senior Tower lunches
Kryptonite: cooking for one
Affiliations: two sons near the Twin Cities
Origin: Emery began volunteering her time to Semcac Senior Dining at Albert Lea Senior Tower when she moved in, about seven years ago.