Published 9:22 am Monday, April 11, 2011
Freeborn County
District Court
Feb. 14
Cole Joseph Hayden (D.O.B. July 13, 1992). 1075 320th St., Nora Springs, Iowa. Use of wireles communications device in motion or traffic. Fined $130.
Feb. 15
John J. Benish Sr. (D.O.B. Jan. 7, 1936). 226 Fron St., Marrimac, Wis. Theft. Fined $290.
Tammy Jo Daniels (D.O.B. March 18, 1961). 204 Front St. E. No. 217, Albert Lea. Counts 1 and 2: DWI (count 1 dismissed). Sentenced 180 days jail stayed 176 days for four years, 320 hours community work service and four years supervised probation. Fined $105.
Jacob John Garrison (D.O.B. May 27, 1984). 2407 Forest Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Vehicle registration required. Fined $110. Count 2: No proof of insurance. Fined $200.
Sylvia Garcia Guy (D.O.B. June 12, 1958). 408 E. 4th St., Albert Lea. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed 30 days for one year and one year unsupervised probation. Fined $290.
Adam L Haas (D.O.B. April 18, 1992). 801 Water St., Albert Lea. Liquor consumption by persons under 21. Sentenced five days jail stayed five days for one year, one year supervised probation and one day sentence to service. Fined $80.
Matthew Thomas Kleinschrodt (D.O.B. Aug. 7, 1956). 2402 West Main St., Albert Lea. Counts 1 and 3: DWI (count 1 dismissed). Sentenced 90 days jail stayed 90 days for two years and two years supervised probation. Fined $605. Count 2: Driving restrictions – alcohol/controlled substance (dismissed).
Carrie Beth Minkel (D.O.B.Oct. 22, 1980). 814 Frank Ave., Albert Lea. Theft. Sentenced 10 days jail stayed 10 days for one year, one year supervised probation and 12 hours community work. Fined $80.
Desiree Lyn Talamantes (D.O.B. Aug. 16, 1988). 930 Broadway Ave. S., Albert Lea. Count 1: Social host. Sentenced 60 days jail stayed 60 days for one year and one year unsupervised probation. Fined $390. Count 2: Public nuisance (dismissed).
Darrin Eugene Garness (D.O.B. June 22, 1970). 13781 Highway 30, Blooming Prairie. Indecent exposure in presence of a child under 16. Sentenced 180 days jail stayed 176 days for two years and two years supervised probation. Fined $580.
Eric William Lattery (D.O.B. March 18, 1963). 515 E. Academy St., Owatonna. Counts 1 and 2: DWI (count 2 dismissed). Sentenced 180 days jail stayed 178 days for four years, four years supervised probation and 224 hours community work. Fined $1,005.
Omar Gasper Sanchez (D.O.B. Feb. 17, 1975). 517 E. 4th St. Apt. 1, Albert Lea. Uninsured vehicle. Fined $280.
Rosa Cadillo Zapata (D.O.B. Dec. 19, 1954). 205 1st Ave. S., Albert Lea. Counts 1 and 2: DWI (count 2 dismissed). Sentenced 180 days jail stayed 178 days for four years, four years supervised probation and 28 days sentence to service. Fined $1,005. Count 3: Driving after revocation (dismissed). Count 2: Uninsured vehicle (dismissed).
Feb. 16
Dakota Charles Anton Dresser (D.O.B. Dec. 1, 1991). 519 E. 8th St., Albert Lea. Receiving stolen property. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed 30 days for one year, seven days sentence to service and one year supervised probation. Fined $80.