Salem Lutheran Women’s executive board

Published 9:10 am Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Salem Lutheran Women’s executive board met on at 3:30 p.m. April 5. Katherine DePoppe presided. All circles were represented. The meeting opened with devotions by Marianne DePoppe with a variation of “Footprints In The Sand.”

Salem hosted the Lenten Ecumenical Service on March 30, when the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Ascension and Salem Lutheran churches met with more than 200 people present. The Rev. Dwight Netzler gave the message. Fellowship time was enjoyed by all after the service.

Coming events are: The KJLY men’s trio will perform at the next SPIRE meeting at 6:30 p.m. April 28 at Crossroads Church. All are encouraged to attend and additional help has been recruited to serve refreshments after the program. A new project has begun at Salem in decorating quart jars, attaching recipes and placing ingredients in the jars for baking cookies. The cookie jars will be used in many special ways. All Salem ladies are asked to bring quart jars for this project. All were reminded that May is Thank Offering month and that offering will be given to the SPIRE group. Salem Circle members are asked to bring their Least Coins to the April Circle meeting. The coins will be brought to the altar at the Church Women United Meeting (May Friendship Day Celebration) on May 6, hosted by Trinity Lutheran. The Scholarship Luncheon sponsored by Church Women United will be held at Salem from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 19. Salem will be assisted by the Methodist Church ladies. On April 30 there will be an event at Salem called “Swing Into Spring” featuring a program “The Attic” with Mary Jo Jensen. Lydia Circle is serving a brunch.

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Committee reports were given showing that 20 Salem shut-ins were visited in March, all circle duties were reviewed for April, and the Sew ‘N Tell group packed 66 boxes of used clothing for the Marie Sandvik Center, two boxes for the Veterans Administration, 11 boxes for Appalachia, seven quilts, four lap robes, one quilt top and nine quilt liners were made.

The next WELCA board meeting will be held on May 3. Meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer.