Which side is Rich Murray on?
Published 7:06 am Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Now is the time for our elected state representative — Rich Murray — to step forward to speak out loud and clear against the violence that his Republican Party causcus proposes to codify into statute. Mr. Murray must step forward and lead against his party’s proposed draconian cuts eliminating the general assistance $203 monthly cash assistance grant for his consituents of advanced age; GA for those caring for a disabled or ill family member; GA for homeless youth, and others receiving GA; eliminating emergency assistance funds for his adult constituents facing evictions, utility shutoffs etc.; the elimination of health care coverage for low wage adults putting at least 100,000 Minnesotans at risk for losing their health coverage; denying child care assistance for at least 4,000 low-wage Minnesotans; eliminating all state funds to the poor and low-wage workers for Metro transit; cutting $7.6 million from rural transit for the poor and low-wage workers; cutting $954,000 to mainly poor and low-wage single moms for training and education; cutting $6.7 million from child support enforcement; cutting county services to the poor by $28 million including help to families facing homelessness; a 50 percent cut in low-wage workers renters’ credit meaning 38,000 families will no longer receive the credit and the remaining families would receive only on average $300.
This violence against the poor and low-wage residents of House District 27A cannot go forward.
So, Rich Murray, which side are you on? On the side of these violent acts against the poor and low-wage workers living in House District 27A or will you take the offensive by proposing the only serious step to take which is to go back to the fair tax rates on the wealthy?
Ted Hinnenkamp
Albert Lea