Federal act would harm U.S. treasures
Published 8:53 am Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Next week, the U.S. House of Representatives will likely vote on a bill that would threaten Lake Superior and the air Minnesotans breathe, the water we drink and the places we love. Not only does this appropriations bill block the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from setting critical clean air, clean water and public health safeguards, but it also puts some of America’s most treasured places like the Grand Canyon at risk of destruction.
Specifically, the bill would put at risk the streams that feed the drinking water supplies of 970,000 Minnesotans, allow uranium mining right next to the Grand Canyon, and block EPA from updating health-protective standards for soot pollution. Soot pollution from coal-fired power plants alone is estimated to cut short the lives of 13,000 Americans each year.
We can’t afford to have polluters and their allies in Congress get away with this. We need Rep. Collin Peterson to stand up for Minnesotans’ environment and public health by opposing this dangerous bill.
Breanna Becker
Environment Minnesota