Published 9:10 am Saturday, July 16, 2011
Albert Lea-Austin National Active and Retired Federal Employees Chapter 469 met at the King Buffet in Austin on June 14.
President Jonathon Green asked for volunteers to serve on the club’s committees. Viola Schaefer volunteered to be Sushine person in Austin. Other volunteers are welcome. The election of officers was conducted with the following to serve: president: Green, vice president: Roger Erickson, secretary: Peg Seath and treasurer: Mary Lee Thompson.
The program for the meeting was a report of the state NARFE Convention by Green. Although attendance was down, he reported that much was accomplished. Topics discussed included legal rights, program ideas, retirement concerns and scams, among others.
Another item of business was the selection of convention sites for future years. The 2012 convention will be in Mankato and 2013 will be in St. Cloud. At the closing banquet Green was reconized with a Distiquished Servive Award, which is a high honor.