Right to Repair Act makes sense

Published 9:25 am Thursday, August 18, 2011

The National Independent Automobile Dealers Association supports the Motor Vehicle Owners’ Right to Repair Act (HR 1449) and strongly urges Congress to pass this important piece of legislation on behalf of its over 20,000 members and the motoring public.

As a national trade association representing independent automobile dealers, we believe that all vehicle service and repair information should be made available to consumers and all facilities that sell vehicles or pursue repair opportunities, and should not be restricted to just those who are affiliated with a manufacturer.

Consumers benefit from competition and are at a disadvantage when local auto repair facilities are denied ready access to nonproprietary service information and tools needed to properly maintain today’s highly sophisticated motor vehicles. The Right to Repair Act ensures that car companies provide full access at a reasonable cost to all service information, tools, computer codes and safety-related bulletins needed to repair motor vehicles so that our members’ customers and all motorists can have their vehicles serviced at the repair shop of their choice.

Email newsletter signup

We encourage you to join us and visit www.righttorepair.org to send a letter to each of your congressional representatives, urging them to support the Right to Repair Act.

Michael R. Linn


National Independent Automobile Dealers Association

Arlington, Texas