Capitalism and Christianity?

Published 9:16 am Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When I try to look at our economy from a Christian point of view I am perplexed. If God created man in his own image, then man would be a co-creator given dominion over the plants and animals to treat them reverently. By exploiting the planet for money and power, capitalism becomes the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

Our clergy have catered to the capitalists to obtain funds for alms and to build churches for the glory of God, the propagation of the faith or personal prestige. Co-opted churches are powerless to deal with the snake. Most amazing is that many on the Christian right have been lured into the Tea Party supporting the pro-business anti-environment policies of the powerful.

Many religiously inspired scholars and some religious leaders, men such as Archbishop Romero and Martin Luther King, have stood up for economic and social justice. Both ministers were assassinated. Priest politician Aristide escaped with his life. Did historians get it backward? Did Rome convert Christianity?

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Our faith must be placed in scientists and intellectuals, those the powerful dis as “egg heads” pooh-poohing their ideas as “only theories” theories that if implemented would put an end to business as usual. Our government is a poor tool to use to implement change having been co-opted by businessmen who use government as both a private bank and a whipping boy but it is the only tool we have. It can only become effective if we stop demanding more jobs and demand a more equal distribution of work, wealth and power.

John E. Gibson

Blooming Prairie