St. John’s Auxiliary
Published 9:00 am Friday, October 28, 2011
St. John’s Auxiliary met Oct. 17 at 2 p.m. in St. John’s Chapel. President Carol Rask welcomed everyone. Devotions were given by the Rev. Jeff Laeger-Hagemeister. Becky Nordland on piano led the group in singing “Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us” and “Sweet Hour of Prayer.”
Auxiliary secretary Bonnie Schneider read the minutes of the September meeting. Treasurer Lorraine Schaper gave the treasurer’s report. Reports were approved as given.
Volunteer Coordinator Carla Reichel reported 930 volunteer hours for September. Day care had 40 hours, four for You & Me Clubs and three for Sing Alongs. Diane Wichmann, activities director, reported on activities for November: Charlie and Carol Reed of Tennessee Gospel Music, Nov. 8 Lutefisk Supper at Emmons Lutheran, Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day breakfast and program, Salvation Army Soup Luncheon, Nov. 28 decorating for Christmas and on Nov. 29 Chris VanArk will present country music.
Vice President Caroline Sorenson read the names of residents celebrating October birthdays: Carol Emmons, Marjorie Thompson, JoAnn Holton, Richard Knutson, Dean Flatness, Dona Fremouw, Gary Coonradt, Marian Sofules, Hazel Krueger, Rosemarie Hendrickson, Helen Purdy, Lloyd Aim, Deloris King, Sydney Nelson and Gladys Winter. The birthday song was sung.
The churches that were thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Round Prairie Lutheran, East Freeborn Lutheran and Central Freeborn Lutheran. The program was provided by Ken Bertelson on keyboard and Millard Hamborg on accordion. Refreshments were provided by 2nd South (apple crisp) and St. John’s Dietary Department.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.