United Methodist Women

Published 9:24 am Friday, October 21, 2011


Merle Stensrud opened the Oct. 5 meeting of the United Methodist women by playing “How Can I Keep on Singing?” Eileen Larson from Just Three circle introduced Carolyn Smith coordinator of the Community Mentor Connection serving Freedom and Faribault counties. Smith spoke on her experiences as a mentor and now in charge of operations of the group. She spoke about how important this can be in the life of a young child needing a caring adult friend, to have someone they can trust and have fun with who will listen and encourage them. The benefits can be great for mentor and mentee.

Marty Beckmann, president, opened the business meeting with prayer followed by the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports. Treasurer Ruth Vermedahl and Norieta Rippentrop reported on the district meeting held in Albert Lea which was very successful. Beckmann was thanked for coordinating the event along with thanks to the Glenville UMW for helping with the morning coffee. Special thanks to Bob Hahn and Burton Halvorson for dish washing.

Email newsletter signup

Judy Hargrave reported on Emma Norton Services. To date $193 has been collected to help with Christmas gifts for the residents. There is always much need for paper products. Dr. Thompson had purchased a table for the annual fund raising dinner Oct. 10 in Minneapolis and several will accompany him to the event. There is an article in the September Response magazine on the services provided by Norton.

Marcelle Emston thanked those who helped serve at St. John’s and asked for help with bingo at Good Samaritan Society this month. Lea Nolting announced that the executive board of Church Women United would meet on Oct. 7 with the World Community Day celebration at Ascension Lutheran Church on Nov. 4. She also reported the furnishings committee had purchased new tablecloths and would see to decorating the round tables in the narthex.

Fundraising was again discussed. JoAnn Seuser and Judy Hargrave volunteered to serve coffee Oct. 23. No further decisions were made.

The nominating committee of Hargrave, Jean Mattingly, Adean Turner and the president met and have printed election procedure changes to be in the agenda. The new format will help the committee for nominations in 2012.

The 4th annual Pipe Screams concert will be held in the sanctuary Oct. 30 at 3:36 p.m. Popcorn and apple cider will be served from 3 to 3:30 p.m. Costumes are encouraged.

Help was needed for serving Loaves and Fishes on Monday nights in October.

The meeting was adjourned.

Lunch was served by Hope Circle preceding the meeting.