Salem Lutheran Women’s board meets

Published 12:58 pm Monday, November 28, 2011


The Salem Lutheran Women’s Board of Albert Lea met at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 1. Co-chair, Debra Beighley, presided. The meeting opened with a devotion given by Valta Hestness entitled “Staying Clean.”

The secretary’s report of the meeting held on Oct. 4 was read by Pauline Hall and approved. The treasurer’s report was distributed to all by Sharon Dilling. Everyone had enjoyed a wonderful program of piano and song given by Norrine Jensen at the Dedication Dinner held on Oct. 13. This was a potluck event that was hosted by Margaret Haupt Circle, who also provided the desserts. The offering that evening was divided between SPIRE and Salem’s Good Samaritan Fund, and members also brought food for the Food Shelves. It was reported that there was a good attendance at the Consecration Dinner at Salem on Oct. 16, which was a catered meal.

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Upcoming events included the Church Women United celebration of World Community Day to be held at First Lutheran Church on Nov. 4, Salem’s Soup and Dessert event on Nov. 8, and the Thanksgiving Eve Service to be held at the United Methodist Church at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 23.

Under Committee Reports, it was reported that the WELCA Visitation Committee visited 25 Salem home-bound members on Oct. 11. The Sew ‘N Tell group met on Oct. 11 and 18 and packed eight boxes of clothing for Appalachia, 32 boxes of clothing for the Marie Sandvik Center, four quilts were made, three boxes were packed for the Veteran’s Administration, one lap robe was made and 12 boxes were decorated for Christmas giving. Sew ‘N Tell is in need of sewing supplies and it was voted to give them $50.

A committee has been working diligently on scheduling all Salem members to have their pictures taken for a new pictorial directory. This project has now been completed.

The next board meeting will be held on at 3:30 p.m. Dec. 6. The meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer.