United Methodist Women minutes

Published 9:18 am Friday, November 25, 2011


United Methodist Women met on Nov. 2 with Merle Stensrud playing “We Gather Together” to open the meeting. JoAnn Seuser from Martha circle introduced Glen Parsons who spoke on the Albert Lea Community Theatre. He included some background of producing a play and his involvement with the next production of “The Dickens Christmas Carol Show” to be presented in December.

President Marty Beckmann opened the business meeting with prayer and the purpose. Fern Urbatsch gave the secretary’s report, and Ruth Vermedahl gave the treasurer’s report. Almost $300 was made at the Southern Prairie luncheon. Tracy Vandegrift made a motion that was amended by Judy Hargrave that the pledge to the Southern Prairie district be $3,000 and $1,000 to Emma Norton Home.

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Committee reports were given. Judy Kary spoke on the drought in Somalia, and Lea Nolting announced the Church Women United World Community Day at First Lutheran Church on Nov. 4. Members spoke on Sunshine needs and to remember to let Rose Hood know to send cards. Judy Hargrave spoke on attending the Emma Norton dinner in Minneapolis and of the continuing need for their services. There will be a large bag for placing card and items for Emma Norton. Norieta Rippentrop said the furnishing committee will be purchasing one more table cloth. The nominating committee is hard at work.

Possible fundraisers were discussed. A committee of JoAnn Seuser, Judy Hargrave, Ruth Vermedahl, Eileen Larson, Norieta Rippentrop, Sharon Nelson and Fern Urbatsch will look into a spring affair.

Sharon Nelson also had a further suggestion for a possible summer event.

New business included instructions for complete information to get to Tracy Vandegrift who will again be making the yearbooks for which she was thanked. Jeanne Hangge spoke on the Thanksgiving Eve service to be held at the church and what is needed. There will be a bulletin board for sign up in the narthex. The Dec. 7 meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. followed by a Christmas luncheon to honor the church staff.

The meeting was adjourned. Preceding the meeting a morning brunch was served by Mary Grace circle.