VFW Auxiliary
Published 9:33 am Friday, January 20, 2012
The Freemond Madson Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary 447 met Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall with President Eunice Hatleli presiding.
After the usual opening ceremonies and the secretary and treasurers reports and department directives were read and acted on the first new business was the draping of the charter for the recent three deceased sisters of the auxiliary: Dorothy Slette, Anna Sletten and Arlene Williamson. Blessed be their memory.
A total of $50 was donated to the Eagles Cancer Telethon and $100 was given to the American Legion Club in appreciation.
At the First District Dec. 3 meeting, winners of the Voice of Democracy Contest were announced. The group’s participant, Annabelle Randall, of Albert Lea High School, was second place and received $200. Congratulations to her. Austin High Schools, Megan Poczos, was first place and awarded $300 District prize and her entry will be forwarded to the state contest. Marilyn Danielson is the group’s local V.O.D. chairman. The next district meeting hosted by Conrad Osthum No. 141 will be Feb. 4. The auxiliary will meet at St. Michael’s Catholic Church at 9:30 a.m. The address is 103 Bullis St., Kenyon. The church is on the intersection of Highway 60 and Bullis Street. Department President Debbie Tweet from Brooklyn Park will be the department representative. A memorial service will be held after lunch. There will be 10 sisters from the auxiliary remembered.
Lunch was served by Beverly Boone. Door prize won by Eunice Hatleli.
The next meeting will be on Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall.