Sex offender to be discharged to halfway house

Published 7:35 am Sunday, February 26, 2012

GOLDEN VALLEY — A community meeting is now set to notify residents about the upcoming release of a committed Minnesota sex offender.

Golden Valley police say 64-year-old Clarence Opheim is being relocated to a halfway house in the western Minneapolis suburb.

Police plan to hold a community notification meeting on March 5 at 6 p.m. in the Perpich Center for the Arts auditorium.

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Opheim is the first civilly committed sex offender to receive a court-ordered provisional discharge in Minnesota. He will continue treatment and will stay under state supervision.

Gov. Mark Dayton on Thursday signed a bill closing a loophole in state sex offender law in response to Opheim’s upcoming release. The new law, which took effect immediately, widens the notification requirement to cover any “residence facility.”