Freeborn County Home Council

Published 9:20 am Saturday, May 12, 2012


The Freeborn County Home Council met at 1:30 p.m. March 20 at Marcia Petersen’s home.

Petersen called the meeting to order at 1:50 p.m. after serving coffee and dessert. Everyone read the Homemakers Creed. Roll call was taken with all officers present except President Ardus Sanderson and all Learning Circles represented except the Alden Homemakers.

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Secretary’s reports for the January meeting and Holiday Happenings were read by Neva Matheson and approved by Montei, seconded by Diercks. Treasurer’s report was given by Montei, with a balance of $1,631.12 as of March 31.


New business

The South Broadway Learning Circle is disbanding, along with Big Island and Alden Homemakers at the end of June, leaving the Domestic Engineers the only club staying with Freeborn County Home Extension. Therefore there will no longer be a need for a Home Council.

After a discussion about the disbursement of funds, it was decided that two $500 scholarships will be awarded. This was a motion made by Matheson, seconded by Petersen and approved by all. It was also decided to pay for everyone’s luncheon for the scholarship luncheon. Any expenses for the luncheon will be covered. The balance left will be donated to the Salvation Army.

Sanderson has taken care of letters to schools for scholarship applications. The scholarship luncheon will be July 17 at Best Western with Alden Homemakers in charge. This will be the last function for the Learning Circles.

Diercks made a motion, seconded by Petersen to give $25 as a 4-H Homemakers Award. Wendy gives the group the name of the recipient. This will be presented at the 4-H banquet in October. Diercks reported that the southeast district Spring Event would be April 19 at the Community Center in Owatonna. The only expense may be for table decorations.

Petersen has the scrapbook up to date. The group checked with Wendy on what should be done with the scrapbooks, the minutes of the meetings and the treasurer’s records. She said they should be turned over to her, and she will put them in the archives in the courthouse after the scholarship luncheon.

Spring Cluster plans are complete. The date would be May 3 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Kasson.

The next meeting for the Home Council will be May 15 at 1:30 p.m. at Matheson’s home. The Home Council will meet one last time on June 19 at Sanderson home to tie up any loose ends.

There being no other business, Montei moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Lorraine Bakken.