Governor downs 2nd GOP tax plan
Published 9:08 am Tuesday, May 15, 2012
ST. PAUL (AP) — A second attempt by Minnesota Republicans to craft a tax-cut bill has met the same fate as the first.
Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed the legislation Monday, days after the Legislature left town for the year.
The governor says sponsors of the bill didn’t abide by his requirement that the cuts be paid for in future years and not add to a projected deficit. Dayton also took issue with the mix of tax breaks, saying businesses made out far better than homeowners.
State GOP Chairman Pat Shortidge says the bill would have helped Minnesota’s economy grow and put people back to work.
In striking the bill down, Dayton had to sacrifice some of his own priorities. The bill contained a tax credit to encourage companies to hire unemployed veterans. It also would have boosted credits meant to spur investment in startup companies.